
The sixth grade Reading program is designed to create skilled readers who use many strategies to construct meaning from text. Students will learn the processes involved in reading and the skills relating to both fiction and nonfiction reading. Reading skills will be further enhanced through direct vocabulary and comprehension strategy instruction along with collaborative reading with their peers. Literary elements and strategies including predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing, will be introduced as students explore various forms of literature through novels, teacher read alouds, and articles.Each week, students will be expected to complete weekly reading assignments.

Seventh and eighth grade Young Adult Literature students will be exploring different pre-reading, during reading, and post reading strategies to support them in developing a better understanding of fiction and nonfiction texts. Through teaching and modeling, students will practice these strategies so that they can build awareness and more specifically choose when and which strategies best fits with each text. Our goal is to have all students use the different reading strategies effectively and correctly not only in reading class, but whenever text is presented.

Reading Teachers

6th Grade

Team Teacher Email

Monsoon Brittany Bellew

Tsunami Jen Peirce

Twister Alison Falcone

7th Grade

Team Teacher Email

Cyclone Danielle McKeen

Hurricane Margaret Blethen

Typhoon Robin Croteau

8th Grade

Teacher Email

Shannon Burne